The Online Cash Machine - Miniblog

Easy Cash for Newbies

Friday 29 September 2017


THE ONLINE CASH MACHINE is a new Training Guide MINIBLOG designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting a profitable online business off the ground with the minimum of cost and effort. My name is Peter Wisdom, I’m so excited to have you here, and I know from my own experience that this works! 

I intend to introduce you to my own special twist on Affiliate Marketing, which is where I recommend you start since this is the simplest for beginners. I give you my own formula for success and all the information you need (I even recommend a product for you to start with).

This method can make you an easy few thousand dollars a month.

I hate buying ebooks where they spend the first 50 pages telling you how great they are and how much money they have made and how great the Internet is and why you should consider getting into it and all that other boring stuff…

Sigh… Why not just teach the stuff that makes money?

That is why I created this MINIBLOG, and that is why you should stop everything else you are doing right now, and read through EVERYTHING here as quickly as you can.

It’s fairly short with very little fluff, so it’s easy to read it ALL and then go and apply it (you ARE going to apply this, aren’t you?).

The first draft of this was written as an ebook, and was much, much longer. It came to well over 100 pages and I put in it a lot of things you can learn elsewhere.

So I decided to cut out all those things you can get from another source for FREE:

• How to make money by selling books
• How to recruit others into an MLM “opportunity”
• How to get more traffic
• How to use an autoresponder
• How to send thousands of emails
• How to become a salesperson
• How to build a list
• How to build a Blog
• How to build a Website (for yourself or other people)
• How to provide an SEO service
• etc. etc. etc.

Where can you get them for FREE? The best site I know is Mark Austin’s Resell Rights Weekly, which you can join for free and download over 700 PLR and Resell Rights Products. 

There is an upgrade available which you can try for $1 and which I wholeheartedly recommend, since it includes thousands more products, lots of REALLY good stuff, high quality training and even free web hosting! If you never join any other site, this is one you should go for - I’ve been a member myself for years!!

Click on this link and join now - you can come back to this course later (it’s called getting your priorities right!)

To get back to what I was saying, all of those other things are great, and they may help you to fulfil your dreams, but they aren’t what makes a business a profitable business.

The purpose of this course is to teach you what is and does!

Now let’s move on to the nitty gritty……………


Thursday 28 September 2017



Ah, that is the right question. And to answer that in its fullest you will need to read this entire blog.

Don’t worry. I’ll cut through the B.S. and the false ideas that are out there, and I’ll show you where the REAL money is.

And no, it’s not really in books - at least, not in the way most people do it (although you can make money that way if you choose).

And no, it’s not truly “in the list” - at least, not in any list you have to deal with (although you can make money that way if you choose).

And no, it’s not really in selling your services, whether online or offline (although you can make money that way if you choose).

So what is the “big secret” of making an online income? It’s quite simple actually. In fact, I can sum it up into one word.

Here it is: Continuity!!!

(I put that in large type and bold because I can’t shout in print.)

Yup, that’s the big secret. And most people still haven’t figured it out. Most people are too busy selling their $27 books to as many people as will buy them, trying to cash in on the $7.50 profit margin that they are left with when an affiliate sells their product.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been told by a so-called Guru on the net or in one of the hundreds of emails I get every day that the only way to get rich is to “create your own product”. Most of them then try to sell you a package to help you do just that, since they know that most people do not have a clue how to create any sort of product, let alone a good one that lots of others will want to pay for!

These Gurus tell you that once you have your own product you can sell it on Clickbank, have super-affiliates falling over themselves to sell it on commission and you will make a fortune!

There is a modicum of truth in what they say in that IF you could create a “wonder” product and that IF super-affiliates all took it up, you would certainly make a lot of money. However, it’s a bit like saying that IF you were a top television chef and opened a restaurant, you would get a lot of customers. 

It’s just not that easy!! Remember that there are over 10000 (yes, ten thousand!) products on Clickbank for the super-affiliates to choose from!

Lets assume for a moment that you have a great idea for an original book, you take 6 months out to write it, learn how to build a website, hire a copywriter to write you a sales page, get a sales video done, etc., and you decide to take their advice.

If you sold your book for $27 on, say, Clickbank, you would probably have to pay 70% commission, which would leave you with only $8.10 before fees, etc - say $7.50 after fees and commission.

How many books would you have to sell to make (say) $5029 every month if you got $7.50 per book (after affiliate commissions, PayPal fees, etc.)?

Let’s do the (very easy) math:
$5029/ $7.50 = 670 books per month, every month!

Let’s say you get a 1% conversion rate which is about average (it means that for every 100 people that visit your site, one purchases). That would mean you need 67,000 NEW visitors to your website every month. Do you think you could keep that up for month after month, year after year?

Sound like a lot? It is, unless of course you have a ton of huge partners ready to send out promotions for you.

Even if you don’t use affiliates and sell all the books yourself, thus keeping all the $27 (less paypal fees) you would still have to sell about 186 books a month. You think that’s easy to do, every month?

You don’t? Well, then you may want to listen to what I have to say. ;)

All kidding aside, there is a much easier and better way to make $5029 every month, and  I propose to show you how this could be done.

While I obviously cannot guarantee your earnings, since I don't know you, I sincerely believe that this is the easiest way to earn good money every month.

Clear enough?

And just a side note, the one big thing that keeps people from this potential is a simple lack of focus and a lack of action-taking. I am aware that most of the people reading this will simply do nothing, and some will even download it to their computer, stick it on their hard drive, and never even read it. 

This is standard with virtually all Internet Marketing advice. Many of the rest will read it, will find it interesting, but be immediately distracted by “Shiny New Object Syndrome” and pass on to the next new thing that appears in their email inbox.

If you want to be like 99% of the failing “business owners” out there, simply do nothing and you’ll succeed just like they have.

Read on to discover my Ultimate Income System……….


Wednesday 27 September 2017




What is an Ultimate Income System? Well, you’ll find out now, I promise. And for those of you who don’t even know what the word “continuity” means, you’ll be an expert on it by the end of this blog.

So what exactly is an Ultimate Income System? Well, it’s one that sells a ‘continuity’ product!

Ok, so what is a “Continuity Product?”

A continuity product is a product that people pay a subscription fee to access. Typically this is a monthly membership site, like Mark Austin’s Resell Rights Weekly. Generally, for this type of site people pay $10 - $50 per month in order to gain access to training, software, or any other benefits.

The reason this is so effective and profitable is because you aren’t just getting one-off sales, you are making residual income.

Let’s do a quick calculation. If you were able to add only 30 members per month (that isn’t much) to a $19.95 per month continuity program which paid you 70% commission ($13.97 a month), you would be making how much in only 6 months?

30 members x 6 months x $13.97 per month = $2,514 per month!

What about after a year?

30 members x 12 months x $13.97 per month = $5,029 per month!
(now you know where the $5,029 figure comes from!)

The key here is that once you get a new member, they continue to pay month after month (provided you do things right).

Don’t you think it would be easier to get 30 people to sign up to a $19.95 package than to get 186 people to pay you $27 up front? Particularly if your subscription package has a free trial offer to start with? Dead right it is, but the proviso is that your subscription site has to be good enough so that they don’t cancel after a month! 

We’ll go into this and talk more about continuity products in due course.

Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll get (or stop at) exactly 30 members a month. Many so called “Guru’s” have several membership sites going, although they often cap the membership for each one at 500 or 1000 members to create the perception of a ‘scarcity effect’. When Jimmy Brown and Ryan Deiss launched the monthly PLR site in 2003 thy sold 1500 memberships in a matter of a few days!

Just imagine - just 1000 members at $13.97 a month means you would be making nearly ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY EIGHT THOUSAND a year!

Don’t start dreaming too soon, though even just 20 members a month would mean that after a year, you would be making more money than most people.

If you want to create your own membership site, the basic approach goes:

1. Find a niche.
2. Create a front-end product.
3. Make sales.
4. Create a serious back-end continuity product.
5. Link front-end to back-end.
6. Create more front-end products.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you to do it like that, though if you choose to do so for your personal satisfaction, you’ll certainly make some money - maybe even a lot of money!

As I said before, you will find a lot of so-called “Guru’s” who will stress that “you MUST have your own product” and then proceed to sell you any number of books, courses etc to show you how to do the above. They will generally charge you between $97 and $4997 for the privilege of making them rich!

You, meanwhile, will give up through the sheer complication of it all and be left with no money in the bank but plenty of unused content on your hard drive! (I speak from experience!)

I’m going to tell you how to do this the EASY way, which gives you most of the advantages with none of the hard work and disadvantages. And best of all, it doesn’t involve any “selling”.

Think about it – if you wanted to open a restaurant, would you build the building yourself? Make all the tables and chairs by hand? Start a Pottery and make all the plates and dishes?

Would you create all the marketing brochures and paraphernalia yourself? Would you create all of the hamburgers, French fries, and milkshakes yourself?

Of course you wouldn’t! You want to focus on the business end of things, the marketing end of things.

And yet when people come onto the Internet, they think they have to not only make the hamburgers, but build the building and serve the customers all by themselves!

It’s like we’ve taken several steps backwards in evolution now that we have better technology in front of us.

Ok, yes, if you know how to design a website, write sales copy and create a video you may have a slight advantage but sometimes it is a disadvantage as you may not be as good as you think!

Don't worry - I said I'd show you the easy way..........


Tuesday 26 September 2017




If you have followed along so far, you may be wondering what on earth are you going to sell?

SECRET - you’re not going to sell your own product, you’re going to simply “recommend” someone else’s, one that you use and like.

Do you consider that “selling”? I certainly don’t - I’m quite happy to tell anyone about a restaurant I have enjoyed a good meal at or where the service was exceptionally good! I don’t think I am “selling” them, even though they may then go to that restaurant who finishes up doing more business.

Personally, I’ve always wanted to be able to paint! (stick with it - it’s very relevant, I promise you) However, I’m not very good at it, and even if I paid a fortune for an art course, the chances are that at the end I still wouldn’t be able to produce something that other people would want to buy, particularly in any numbers. This is the basic problem with all that advice to “produce your own product”

However, although I can’t paint very well myself, I can recognise a good painting when I see one. If I go to an amateur art exhibition it is fairly easy to pick out the decent paintings from the rubbish!

If I want to make money from selling paintings, therefore, I am likely to do better selling someone else’s good paintings on commission than trying to sell my own. This is particularly true if I have a large selection to choose from and I get paid a good rate of commission.

I can simplify it even more:



If I had a motto I think that would be it. Let me spell this out in another way:

1. Find out what continuity products people are buying now .
2. Find out if the profit margin (commission rate) is good.
3. Check out how much competition there is.
4. If the profit margins are good, and there is a lot of competition, you’ve found a great product.

That’s all there is to it.

Why do you want a lot of competition? This seems counter-intuitive, but if a product is a good one to sell there will inevitably be a lot of  competition. This can be a good thing because it increases the publicity for that product and makes it more saleable. Conversely, if there is little or no competition, it probably means other people have tried it and found it doesn’t sell very well.

Tell me - how do you think you would make most money - selling home made computers you have cobbled up yourself or selling Apple Macs?

Would you like me to tell you the REALLY EASY WAY?

Hold on to your hat - I’ve done the work and found you an ideal product -



Wasn’t that an easy way to find a product!

It is, in my opinion, one of the best membership sites on the internet (though you can make up your own mind). It charges a monthly fee of $19.95 (about £16 in GBP) and is worth every penny! All you have to do is sign up yourself and get the site new members.

What is the site? Well, I’ve already recommended it to you once - it’s Mark Austin’s Resell Rights Weekly. If you are impatient and want to skip the rest of this book all you have to do is click on the link below:

What is great about this site is that you can tempt people with a free sample - the free membership gives away over 700 books FREE, yet most people will eventually upgrade to the GOLD membership level and pay the $19.95 monthly subscription, out of which you get 70% or $13.97 (provided you are a gold member yourself). The cash is paid into your paypal account.

Why should people upgrade? Well, Mark makes it incredibly tempting, offering a free trial for only $1. Gold members get an enormous choice of Freebies, with thousands of ebooks, videos, home study courses, websites, training packages, etc, with dozens more being added every week! 

Gold members can also request and get free web hosting.

If you add up the value of free web hosting and training courses, some of which would cost you $997 each to buy (I know - I bought some before I discovered this site!) plus all the other goodies, you would be hard pressed to find better value anywhere.

The “Icing on the Cake”, however, is the fact that as a gold member you can sign up as an affiliate (no extra charge) and get $13.97 for every new member you get who upgrades to gold. If you just get 1 member you have nearly got your subscription back - 2 members and you’re in profit.

As I said before, just 30 new members a month and you have a potential income of $5,029 per month or $60,348 a year.

Go there now and sign up - even if it’s only for the FREE membership - although I REALLY recommend that you upgrade just as I did. (and yes, in the interest of full disclosure, if you go through my link I will get commission, for which I make no apologies). It’s a great system, it works for me and lots of others, so why not jump on the bandwagon?

The link again:


Monday 25 September 2017




You’ve probably been able to guess that it is one thing to have a product but it is a whole other thing to sell it!

There is always a battle going on. It is a battle of trying to get products in front of and bought by the masses that they were intended to reach.

Most people lose this battle, mainly because they don’t realize that marketing and selling are two different things. It is VERY important that you recognise the difference.

Marketing is getting someone INTERESTED in the product - getting their ATTENTION in the first place. Selling is persuading them to BUY! With this scheme it is up to you to bring the package to other people’s attention, but you do NOT have to sell them. It is up to them whether they wish to buy!

Consider a retail shop. Window dressing is the marketing bit - it catches the attention of the passer-by and hopefully gets them to enter the shop. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean they will buy anything, and that is where the selling comes in - a good sales assistant can make all the difference and convert an interest into a sale!

The Internet is a wonderful place to sell something, as you can have an almost unlimited length sales letter, in full colour and with illustrations if necessary.

However, just as there is a HUGE difference between a top salesperson and a bad one, there is an equally huge difference between a good and a bad sales page on the net. There is a reason why the top copywriters can charge between $5000 and $25,000 for a single sales page and get repeat customers!

It is unlikely you will be able to produce anything as good yourself.

If you are astute you may at this point realize that the same comments I made about creating a product also apply to creating a sales page. You may not be able to produce one but you can probably recognise a good one when you see it! 

In fact, this is one of the reasons I chose Resell Rights Weekly as your product - Mark Austin has a VERY good sales page and this is proven by the number of people who have already signed up for his package!

This approach makes it easy:


But understand that a sale is something that ONLY happens after you have caught the attention of a suitable prospect.

However good Mark Austin’s site is, he is caught in the same trap as many other Internet Marketers, and this is a point which is rarely appreciated by beginners.

No matter how good your website / sales page / product is, it will NEVER generate prospects.

It may capture leads, qualify leads and convert leads, but it will never, ever, generate leads. Think about it. How does someone end up at your website? No one just types it in randomly. Somehow or another, they heard about your site and thought that it might be of interest to them.

This is why Mark is willing to pay ME and YOU a commission to send leads to his website, where he does an excellent job of converting them into buyers, first by giving them a free sample and then providing so much value that it makes the upgrade almost irresistible.

Of course, Mark could start up an offshoot of his business and get into traffic generation for himself. However, he wisely sticks to his main job which is creating a superb high value site (on which, incidentally, he provides plenty of free training for anyone who wishes to become a FREE affiliate and generate leads).

This whole setup provides you with an almost unparalleled opportunity to create a continuity income for yourself. My personal advice would be to have a look at the website, join for free, and then if you like it make a decision to upgrade to a GOLD membership, even if only for a trial period. This gives you time to take advantage of the excellent training on the site and get started on your way.

You would be committing yourself to a maximum possible expenditure of only $19.95 a month (about £16 GBP), which is peanuts in terms of starting a business, and you can opt out at any time if you change your mind. Remember that it would only take 2 introductions who themselves upgraded to put you into profit each month!

The link again:

Good luck and may the force be with you!

P.S. If you are asking yourself “where would I get leads from?”, don’t worry. The affiliate training available at the site will tell you how.

P.P.S. Make no mistake - even if you don’t want to run this as a business, the resell rights membership is well worth having, even if you only take the free subscription and use the (more limited) facilities that provides. Join and have a look for yourself!

P.P.P.S Well, that’s it for now. Good Luck and May the Profits Be with You!

Peter Wisdom
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